
They are also reffered to as the pot-belly Seahorses.
They get their name from their large stomachs.
They are one of the largest Seahorses in it specie.
They grow up to 35 cm
Each eye of the Big-belly Seahorse moves separately, which makes it easy to catch food and avoid predators.

The Denise Seahorse
It is named after the under water photographer, Denise
It lives and is found in seafangs as seen in the image
on the left.
It grows to no longer than 2.14 cm
Unlike the
other Seahorses, both the male and the female get pregnant depending on the

The Pygmy Seahorse
It is one of the recently discovered
Seahorse, it is
because of their tiny bodies and how they blend in with their 
They dont grow longer than 5 cm

The Weedy Sea Dragon is another beautiful Seahorse, it looks more like seaweed. 

The Weedy Dragon looks like seaweed and coral.
It has beautiful
colours and it looks much like a creature out of someones
Their bodies are a natural camouflouge

The Leafy Sea Dragon
They look like Seahorse that have leafs hanging from

their bodies.  They are the most phenomenal Seahorses.  Much like the other

Seahorses it blends in very well with its surroundings.  They look like
and seaweed. 

According to World Register of Marine Species, there are 53 species of Seahorses.
They are different in one way or another, they
range from 2.54 cm 35.56 cm.
They are grouped in the Syngnathidae which
includes, pipefish and sea dragons.

On the left is an image with a few
different types of Seahorses.

The Dwarf Seahorse
Its found in the Gulf of Mexico.
It is one of the shortest
Seahorse in its specie, it is 5.08 cm in height.

The Knysana
It is one of the most endagered seahorse in the

The Pacific
It is one of the largest Seahorses reaching up to 30 cm
They are found in the Pacific ocean hence their name,They are normaly found in offshore waters.


    My name is Noluthando Nkabinde, im from Johannesburg South Africa.  I study at Inscape Design College.  I created this blog as an assignment.  I had little knowledge of Seahorses when i started it, and now im realy fascinated by these creatures i hope i can impart you with the knowldge ive gained. Enjoy.


    March 2013

